Realize that one way or another, I am going out and making this happen. I would like to do this full on, right out of the gate and make things happen. For that, yes I need the help of others who think the homeless are deserving of our help. That homelessness is a social issue. No, I didn't say problem, as that is to all encompassing and unfair, especially to those who choose the lifestyle. For the thousands who thought they were secure in the life that they were raised to believe in, who have lost everything, and the thousands still losing everything, it is very much an issue of society. It's not going to get better easily, nor by ignoring it, shuttling them off to other places, making it illegal to feed them, or just throwing them into buildings and saying they aren't homeless any more. First and foremost they need to know that someone cares. Then they need a place in society again. Yes, I am speaking above the obvious initial needs of food, water, shelter. I think everyone knows those needs are the most primary things in any life. So dammit, I am going to go out, show that someone cares, and collect stories, troubles, experiences, hope, and bring it back and spread it out in a format that 9-5 America can understand. With words and images that even the spin doctors cannot deny. When we accept the issue, and the environments around it, we can strive to alter things to allow everyone back into the fold. We as a people,a society, a culture, a TRIBE, have to start caring about ourselves, our neighbors, and the rest of the community, and realize, no one can make it through this life completely alone, and no corporation, no government, no body of important people is ever going to be responsible for making sure we all live and live well, if for no other reason than, it is not their place. It has to start at the bottom, with the people. Join me in making that step happen, that difference start as a small candle flame, and spread it to others, light every surface and inspire others to care, shame them for not caring, and together, we can fan the inferno of change into the hearts and souls of the world.
Take the steps. Care. Do something.
Poignant and touching.