I sit here, right this moment, in relative comfort, and think forward to where I will be. I cannot wait to get out, get this project going, to make a difference. The initial projected start date is a little over a month a way, and coming fast. Mid August, I intend to start this journey, that is the plan. I will be out there, no longer in here, and I will be making a difference. I will also be learning, learning more about the world the homeless live in, the rules and realities of their situations. It will teach me a lot as well about the world we live in as a whole, about the society that allows and causes these issues. I will learn more about myself. I will learn how to help others.
There are still needs for this to work properly, and for that I ask emphaticly for the help of each and every one of you. Those I know, and those I do not. Those who have followed from the start, and those just discovering this. I need the tools to communicate the stories, images and experiences back to you all, and the world at large. Yes, I obviously am posting from a computer now, but it is not mine, it is a friend's, in their house, I cannot take it with me. I do not seek a top line model, I mean to get an inexpensive netbook. As well, I have a source on surplus socks, shirts, and the like, but need to get them shipped to me, which also requires some money.
Yes, I am asking all of you to help support this project, to care enough about your fellow men, women and children, the ones who are less fortunate, and give to see them smile and be heard. It does not have to be much. If everyone who reads this, and everyone they share it with were to donate just $5 each to start, quickly that would add up, and goals would be reached swiftly. That's like eating one extra meal at home, and skipping the coffee shop, or fast food. Please, help see this happen, and in the long run we can make real changes, make a difference in the lives of those who want to be a part of providing for themselves, and just need help. Give a little and see that the children are heard, and all the children to come have a better chance.
Help be the change we all want to see. Help that change start now.
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